Wednesday 4 March 2020

[TUTORIAL] How to earn votes on Fan N Star

There are 2 type of points that we can make use of on Fan N Star: 

1. Star points (our actual number of votes)

2. Gpoints (decide how much bonus stars we can get)

 Both are very important and this tutorial will let you know how to earn the most of them!

A. How to earn Star points

Let's go to Daily Stars

1. Attendance

Answer one simple quiz to earn 1 Star.
If you're not sure about the answer, press "Hint" and it will lead you to the related article.
There's no limit to how many times you can use "hints" and you also won't lose the attendance point if your answer is incorrect.

*If you remember to answer attendance quizzes daily, you will earn extra star points 
for every 7 day ^^

2. View articles

Choose any article

Scroll down to the end of the article and press "Claim".  After confirming your star point, you can choose the next article and repeat the action. 

*When you finish earning 30 star points from viewing articles, they will notify you this

Don't just stop here though! With this "viewing articles" step, you can change the language and earn 30 stars again.

The buttons and where to find them should be the same as before, so it's easy for us to repeat the action without having to understand these languages.
With 4 other languages combined, we will earn 150 star points from viewing articles!

3. Share Post

Choose any post

Find and press the "Share" button

Choose an SNS platform

Repeat the action for 10 different posts and you will earn 10 star points. (They will also notify you when you finish)

B. How to earn Gpoints

1. Answering the attendance quiz +1 GPoint

2. Finish viewing 10 news articles +1 GPoint

3. Finish sharing 10 fan-posts +1 GPoint

4. Time Event +1 GPoint each time
*They will appear randomly twice a day

5. Make a post +1 GPoint
Go to Share Post, choose the pen symbol button

Fill out all the boxes (Subject, Details) and upload a Suju photo (size must be below 2MB). 
Press Submit and confirm.

6. Cast 200 votes at once +3 GPoints
You will be able to do this (have more than 200 star points daily) when you do every star-earning step and your User Ranking is Bronze level. So make sure to earn both Star points and GPoints every day + cast all the votes you've earned daily only one time ^^



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